Thursday, January 1, 2009

the New Year's Resolutions

OK, so I do this every year & I don't think I actually keep any of them but I'm doing it again anyway!

2009 New Year's Resolutions
  • Probably the #1 resolution everyone says: Lose Weight! I'm not really sure how I'm gonna do it, but I have a couple of ideas I'm gonna try - drink more (or actually any) water. I go through a 12-pack of diet coke in a couple of days, so I think I'm gonna have to cut back! I also need to cut back on sweets, & french fries. So that's a start I guess. Also I'm hoping this next resolution will help with this one......
  • Exercise! I actually have a membership to Curves, so now I just have to go! See how easy that is......
  • Next is Go To Church! I need to find a church home, drag myself out of bed on Sunday mornings, & go.......
  • Another big one is Finances. With the economy questionable, my overtime hours @ work are questionable, I need to be frugal. I already do coupons & search out good deals, but I just need to cut back on some things like french fries (see above)......
  • I have already mentioned on previous posts how many emails I have in my inbox, so I need a plan for this too. Unsubscribe to newsletters that I don't read......
  • Get My House Organized! This is hard because it is SO disorganized I can't figure out where to start, I think I just need to try to do a little bit every day.........

So here's the daily plan: unsubscribe from newsletters, drink a glass of water, do some cleaning, , drink some water, cook some healthy food at home, drink some more water, go to Curves, followed by more water & some more cleaning unless it's Sunday then I need to add some church in there & picking up the Sunday paper to get the coupons.

That sounds a little overwhelming right now, but it's better than the news crews doing a story about the morbidly obese lady whose house has fast food bags all over the floor & then she has to file bankruptcy.................


Anonymous said...

LOL! You crack me up!

Unknown said...

Great resolutions :) I love the style of your blog!

Liz said...

Love your resolutions!

And hey...with Larry in ministry, he has contacts at sooooo many of the local churches. Let me know what sort of church you're looking for & maybe he/we can help you find one that "fits".

Jennifer Kindle said...

I love the last paragraph of this should write headlines for the lcoal paper in your spare time but I guess you won't have any spare time now that you'll be working out and cooking good meals now!! :0 Thanks for the resolution motivation. Hope all is well.