Wednesday, February 18, 2009

the Valentine's Day 2009 & more

I didn't post anything about Valentine's Day because not much happened. I had switched nights at work planning to go to the kids' valentine parties at school, but Sophie had a stomach virus so we weren't able to go. I had to work on Valentine's day, so I gave the kid's their gifts, hugs, & kisses & that's about it. The only really cool thing was Zoe's teacher sent home a construction paper hershey's kiss for the parents to write something to their child to let them know how much you loved them & how special they were to you. Then each child got to read it in front of the class at the valentine party. Here's what I wrote to Zoe from Theo & I:

From the moment we first laid eyes on you and held you in our arms, we knew you truly were a gift from God and that we had never loved anything this much
before. We have watched you grow up to be such a beautiful, smart, and
special girl and we are so proud of you! No matter what happens, you will
always have a special place in our hearts.

We love you so much Zoe!

Love, Mom & Dad

Awwwww! How sweet!

PhotobucketI did finally get a picture of Miss Sophie in her pigtails! What a cutie-patootie! We met Theo for lunch at the Jalapeno Tree. Talk about "Terrible Twos"! Every little thing that didn't go exactly her way she would scream "Wah-hah-hah", put her hands over her eyes, and arch herself backwards in her chair in order to be as dramatic as possible without actually crying tears. Then to make her happy after she ate about 3 bites of her lunch, we went to look at their cool saltwater fishtank. This went great until a little boy probably not even a year old was brought over to look at the fish & that was it! Sophie screamed no & started over towards him to push him away, but thankfully I grabbed her up in time! Uggggh! The boy's mother looked over at me with disgust & I just wanted to shout at her, "Just you wait! Your time is coming soon!" LOL! Afterwards Sophie & I had a nice one-sided talk about sharing, it was great! She also started another great new thing - when she asks for something & I say no, she repeats it in a devil voice! Seriously you can almost see her eyes glowing red & everything! But doesn't she just look so sweet & innocent in her picture?

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